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Abeer Khandker

abeer-khandkerVisiting Research Associate

E-mail: abeerkhandker@yahoo.com


Mr. Abeer Khandker is an academic, currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics, East West University. He attained his MSS degree in Economics from Dhaka University. His major research interests include the apparel value chain, social compliance in the apparel sector, international trade, trends and determinants of economic growth, etc. His articles were published in international journals, and for a brief period he was invited to work as a reviewer for the International Trade Journal, which is a journal of the Center for Western Hemispheric Trade of Texas A&M University, published by Routledge, Taylor and Francis. In addition to his services as a faculty member of East West University, he is currently involved with the new study of the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) titled ‘New Dynamics in Bangladesh’s Apparel Enterprises’ as a Visiting Research Associate.